Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Beginning in Two Days

Starting this Friday, November 1st, Thirty Days of Gratitude will begin again on this blog.  This year's practice is designed to go deeper over the course of the thirty days. It is based on the iTunes model of presenting a musicians' work through The Basics, Next Steps and Deep Cuts. Over the month to come, we'll be working with beginning, intermediate and advanced steps that can help us grow in gratitude. 

Each day will also feature a song that's tied to the day's theme. As we prepare to begin this year's blog, this Mumford and Sons version of the classic hymn of grace and gratitude strikes a resonant note of openness and receptivity for what's to come.  (The music starts at about the 1 minute mark.)

And, please remember, this blog is enhanced when you take the time to comment and share your experiences.  See you again in a couple days!  :-)